Så var äntligen den här dagen slut. Fråga mig inte varför, men den har känts extremt lång... Iaf kvällen. Inte för att det har varit tråkigt eller så, det är bara så det har känts. Jag och A hade spa-dag idag, hon hade fixat världens mysigaste lilla spa med bad, nån slags oljebehandling, ansiktsmask, mani+pedi, hår, smink, massage, styling... Massor av trevligheter. Inte fel! Sen blev hon iofs jättearg på mig när jag tyckte att vi skulle cykla iväg en liten sväng, men det är en annan historia. Hon blev glad igen när jag kittlade henne massor ;)
Ikväll åkte jag först till gymmet en sväng, skulle träffa Marie efteråt och jag kom dit rätt sent så det blev inte så länge men iaf 45 minuter totalt. Rätt gött :) På Starbucks pratade jag och Marie om allt mellan himmel och jord, och senare joinade (typ) en lite småläskig snubbe som frågade massor av frågor om oss... Men det var okej för han sa att han inte hörde nån accent när jag pratade, that's all you have to say to make me fall for you haha ;) Närå. Men han sa det iaf och jag blev glad för det. Inte fel att höra att man inte har nån accent lixom :)
The day has finally come to an end! Not that it's been a boring day or so, it's just been long. A and I had a spa day today, with a bath, mani+pedi, some kind of body treatment, facial, hairdo, make up, massage, styling... Alot of nice stuff. Sure, afterwards she got really angry at me because I wanted to take her for a bike ride, but when I started to tickle her, she was ok again ;)
Right after work I went to the gym, I got there pretty late and since I was going to meet Marie tonight I didn't stay at the Y for too long, but atleast 45 minutes which is pretty good in my opinion. At Starbucks, we talked to this random dude who asked us alot of questions about ourselves... A little creepy. But it was ok because he also said that he didn't hear an accent when I talked and that's all you have to say to make me fall for you you know ;) Nah, just kidding. But it was nice to hear him say that, it made me happy :)
The day has finally come to an end! Not that it's been a boring day or so, it's just been long. A and I had a spa day today, with a bath, mani+pedi, some kind of body treatment, facial, hairdo, make up, massage, styling... Alot of nice stuff. Sure, afterwards she got really angry at me because I wanted to take her for a bike ride, but when I started to tickle her, she was ok again ;)
Right after work I went to the gym, I got there pretty late and since I was going to meet Marie tonight I didn't stay at the Y for too long, but atleast 45 minutes which is pretty good in my opinion. At Starbucks, we talked to this random dude who asked us alot of questions about ourselves... A little creepy. But it was ok because he also said that he didn't hear an accent when I talked and that's all you have to say to make me fall for you you know ;) Nah, just kidding. But it was nice to hear him say that, it made me happy :)